Secretary of the Navy takes pleasure in commending the UNITED STATES SHIP
MARBLEHEAD for service as follows:
“For outstanding heroism in
action against enemy Japanese aircraft in the
Java Sea Area on February 4,1942. Operating without air support as a unit of a
combined striking force of United. States and Dutch cruisers and destroyers, the
U. S. S. MARBLEHEAD was steaming north through Lombok Strait when an overwhelming
force of Japanese aircraft appeared and launched a series of continuing bombing
attacks. Fighting her guns gallantly against the enemy planes, she suffered two
direct bomb hits on deck and one very near miss that exploded well forward under
the turn of the bilge. With her electric power lost, her steering gear jammed
and more than ten per cent of her company dead or seriously wounded, she was
quickly enveloped in flames that raged fore and aft while in-rushing Waters
flooded her lower compartments and sent her twelve feet down by the bow. Expertly
handled by officers and men who risked their lives to jettison ready service
powder bags, lessen flooding in steering spaces and fight the fires that
threatened to destroy her. She was enabled to continue in action and fight off
additional and repeated air attacks by Japanese horizontal and dive-bombers.
Battle-damaged but unbeaten after the furious two-hour action in which she was
credited with downing three enemy bombers. The MARBLEHEAD made port under her
own power, evidencing her own combat readiness and the aggressive fighting
spirit of her entire company and thereby upholding the highest traditions of
the United States Naval Service.
personnel attached to and serving onboard the U. S. S. MARBLEHEAD on February 4,
1942 are authorized to wear the NAVY UNIT COMMENDATION Ribbon.”
Service Medal
Awarded to the men of the U.S.S. Marblehead for service during:
22 Aug 38 to 27 Sep 38 and 09 Apr 39 to 07 Sep 39
1. To commemorate the services performed by the personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps during operations in China from 7 July 1937 to 7 September 1939, a service medal to be known as the "China Service Medal" will be issued to the officers and enlisted men who participated in these operations.
2. The award will be made to the officers and enlisted en of the Navy and Marine Corps who served on shore in China during the period from 7 July 1937 to 7 September 1939, and to the officers and enlisted men who were attached to and serving on board any of the vessels mentioned in the following list between the dates appearing below each vessel.
3. No person is entitled to more than one medal for service during these operations.
(Navy Department General Order No. 176 of 1 July 1942.)
Source: 1953 U.S. Navy Awards Manual
Service Medal
Awarded to the men of the U.S.S. Marblehead for service during:
03 Apr 27 to 10 Jun 27, 09 Aug 27 to 27 Aug 27 and 06 Sep 27 to 18 Oct 27
To commemorate the services performed by the personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps during the operations in the valley of the Yangtze River, China, in 1926 and 1927, and 1930 and 1932, a medal to be known as the "Yangtze Service Medal" will be issued to the officers and enlisted men who participated in those operations.
The period for which these medals will be issued is from 3 September 1926 to 21 October 1927, and from 1 March 1930 to 31 December 1932, and any officer or enlisted man of the Navy or Marine Corps who served on shore at Shanghai or in the valley of the Yangtze River, China, with a landing force during these periods or part of such periods is entitled to this medal, as are the officers and enlisted men who were attached to the vessels mentioned in the following list between the dates appearing beside and below each vessel. No officer or enlisted man is entitled to more than one such medal. (Navy Department General Order No. 205 of 28 April 1930)
Source: 1953 U.S. Navy Awards Manual
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