We have material that may be of interest to anyone researching the Asiatic Fleet going back to the 1930's. If you are in academia or an author interested in a collection of clippings, pictures, anecdotal cards and letters, please contact the Webmaster .
This site is dedicated to preserving the history of the U.S.S. Marblehead, its most defining
moment -
The Battle of Makassar Strait, and her defiant and improbable 90-day,
20,589-mile journey
home, across
the Indian and Atlantic Oceans in crippled condition, while the Japanese Imperial Command reported her
sunk on several occasions and her sailors’ families, believed their sons were dead or in captivity.
This site also includes the story of Corydon Wassell, M.D., and the wounded men from the USS
Marblehead and USS Houston who were entrusted to his care. It describes their perilous
journey across
Java, then down to the safety of Australia, and back home to America.
Finally, the site adds greater detail to the lives of the 724 sailors who were on the ship when she was
bombed off the north coast of Java on 4 Feb 1942. Who were they before and after World War II? Their
bravery, ingenuity, and dedication to saving the ship they affectionately referred to as Marby inspired
millions of Americans who were badly in need of morale-boosting news in the early days of World War II.
Our purpose here is to preserve the memory of what they did for many generations to come.
Quick Link to Bios
Biographies of Crew (Work In Progress)
Did you know?
March 1 is Asiatic Fleet Day?
Please click the link below to expand a list of various documents that are available. This list may be periodically updated/changed.
A special dedication...
To Raymond (Ray) Delos Kester (1920-2018) who passed away in October 2018. Ray served on the USS Marblehead and helped fine-tune details from this period and assisted in answering many questions from friends, relatives, and others interested in Marby’s inspiring story. Ray later served as President of the Reunion committees of the Marblehead, the Leedstown, and other ships, and eventually for the entire Asiatic Fleet. Ray rarely bid goodbye to anyone without adding the words “Be Happy!” Please read his 2001 interview here.
It should also be noted that in the early days of the web site, Mr. Oscar M. Rudie provided his time and assistance to Craig Chariton.
Recognition of the heroic efforts of the sailors of the Asiatic Fleet to slow the Japanese advance across Southeast Asia.
In 1995 a committee was formed to organize a once-in-a-lifetime reunion of all former
Asiatic Fleet sailors,
and to obtain a Presidential proclamation for a Memorial Day on March 1st to give long
overdue recognition
to the Asiatic Fleet. It consisted of LT Walter Ashe, USN (Ret), USS ASHEVILLE; CAPT
John "Jack”S laughter,
USN (Ret), USS JOHN D. FORD; Clarence Wills, USS TRINITY; Charles Ankerberg,
Bernie Ibex, 4th Marines.
They embarked on a tremendous letter writing and telephoning campaign.
In 1997, U.S. Navy Asiatic Fleet Combined Forces reunion was celebrated at Arlington, Va.
Senator John Warner (Va.) and Senator Jesse Helms (N.C.) took up the torch and introduced in
the Senate
provisions in a Bill commemorating the Navy and Marine Corps personnel serving in the
Asiatic Fleet and
honor those who gave their lives. Senator Strom Thurmond (S.C.) introduced the bill in the
Senate. Congressmen
Walter Jones (N.C.), Charles Taylor (N.C.), and Sherrod Brown (Ohio) were co-sponsors from
the House.
The Congress, by Public Law 105-261, on October 17, 1998, authorized and requested the
President to issue
a Proclamation in commemoration of the United States Navy Asiatic Fleet.
In February 2000, with knowledge of a draft prepared in the Department of Defense, a special
Forces reunion was arranged in San Diego, Calif. The Navy Liaison Office advised they did
not feel that the
"Asiatic Fleet was deserving of a proclamation.” Accordingly, in lieu of a Proclamation, the
White House
chose to issue a "Greeting" for the planned commemoration day of March 1, 2000.
A renewed extensive writing and telephone campaign to the newly elected administration
resulted in
Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, Congressman (III.), Senator Jesse Helms (N.C.), and
others imploring the
new President to issue the authorized proclamation. The pleas were acknowledged.
On June 7, 2001, President George W. Bush signed the Proclamation that designated March l,
2002 as the
Asiatic Fleet Memorial Day and called upon all Americans to observe this day with
appropriate ceremonies,
activities, and programs. The U.S. Navy Asiatic Fleet Combined Forces reunion was celebrated
February 26 to
March 3, 2002, at Houston, Tex.
Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, represented the President at the memorial service
aboard USS TEXAS
(BB-35), a National Historic Landmark.
The original signed Proclamation was presented to the United States Navy Memorial by CAPT
John S. Slaughter,
USN (Ret.), president U.S. Navy Asiatic Fleet Combined Forces reunion, and CWO-4 Ray D.
Kester, USN (Ret.),
president South China, Yangtze Patrols reunion. It is displayed in the Asiatic Fleet Room in
the Navy Memorial's
Naval Heritage Center. The Asiatic Fleet Room, funded by CAPT John P. Bracken, USNR
(Ret.)(Signal Officer,
Assistant Communications Officer and Ships Secretary aboard USS MARBLEHEAD
1941-1942), was dedicated as
part of the 1997 U.S. Navy Asiatic Fleet Combined Forces reunion.
Comments and Information
This website was originally created by Craig Chariton, nephew of Donald Ellsworth Chariton (Machinist
Mate 2c aboard Marby who was wounded at the time of her bombing). His father was Robert "Phil"
Chariton who also served during WWII. The site is currently maintained by
the sons of Ray Delos Kester (Radioman 2c) and Frank Verne Wade (Boatswain Mate 2c).
The site is undergoing continued updating, particularly with respect to adding additional sailor
biographies. We are particularly interested in adding to the story of each Sailor. Please forward photos, anecotes, or
stories about your family member so that we may include it.
If you have any comments, corrections, and contributions concerning this Web site or if you have any
information regarding the events, ships, aircraft or sailors, please feel free to share this with
If you run across any broken links, please report them to the
Thank you.
03/04/2025 - Added Arthur ROOD Bio
02/28/2025 - Added Elmer AGNEW &
Wheeler GIBSON Bios
11/13/2024 - Corrected crew count at the time of the bombing
01/24/2024 - Added David William HODGES Bio
12/26/2023 - Corrected Delries to DeVries, Frannels to Francis (Melvin Russell)
12/08/2022 - Corrected Ensign J.R. Cloe to J.R. Cole
11/26/2022 - Added Robert Houston NORRIS,
Guy Loren DOTY,
James Deforest NELSON Bios
11/26/2022 - Added MS Marechal Joffre Story
06/14/2022 - Added Albert Gene MELE,
Glenn William BASINGER,
Louis Alfonso CAHOON Bios
04/11/2022 - Added Edward BEGGS Bio
01/07/2021 - Corrected Aivin to Alvin (alerted by family member)
07/12/2020 - Modified to be more mobile friendly (W.I.P.)
06/08/2020 - Corrected Dilihren to Dineen (alerted by family member)
03/01/2020 - Moved to new (faster) server. We are still seeking family input!
09/29/2019 - Added several Bios - Search bio in 'Sailors: Enlisted as of Feb. 1942'
02/18/2019 - Added National Asiatic Fleet Day notice.